Approaching a new trick or big competition requires mental strength. While the BMX freestyle team is spending time physically training to perform, they’re also taking time to focus and mentally train for each run. They are developing confidence, conquering fear and anxiety, learning how to manage challenges that arise, and getting in the right mindset to perform their best.
Mental fortitude and a positive mindset sets the stage for improved performances and for athletes to exceed their own expectations. It also helps them lay it all on the line and enjoy what they do.
Each rider got into BMX because it’s fun, and all make an effort to remember that when they head into a competition. As the first world cup of 2018 was approaching – the UCI BMX Freestyle Park and Flatland World Cup in Hiroshima, Japan – we heard from the team about mental preparations and how they relax and have fun. We asked, “What do you do before a competition to get in the right mindset?”
Pat Casey (Yorba Linda, Calif.)
“Contests are hard. I usually just try to make sure I’m enjoying my day and stay positive. I try to tell myself it doesn’t matter and to not get any extra anxiety going into it. If I go into it confident and chillin’ I usually do better.”
Cory Coffey (Ojai, Calif.)
“Leading up to a competition I am practicing a lot and working out so I feel strong. When I arrive at an event I always try and make sure I have good adequate sleep, eat some yummy food, listen to some great music and just stare at the course for a while. I’ve learned to just relax and enjoy the surroundings when you get to an event. It makes it a lot more fun than getting stressed out and overwhelmed.”
Nick Bruce (Youngstown, Ohio)
I lie down somewhere and focus on my breath and body while listening to some music, which helps keep myself calm, and I detach myself from any expectations.
Justin Dowell (Virginia Beach, Va.)
“Leading up to a competition, I train every day to get my mind into it. I know it is my opportunity to prove myself and I try to take advantage of it. Right before my run, I just pretend it’s a normal session with my friends and it keeps me calm. During my run I keep my mind on what’s going on in front of me and pay attention to breathing.”
Nina Buitrago (Austin, Texas)
“I recently began meditating to help relax my mind but sometimes just listening to music can get me in the zone and get me excited to have a great run!”